I have not written anything in quite some time as I it is hard for me to get inspired theses days with everything going on in my life for a while as well as my personal set backs but I was watching documentary called the "Burning times" and was just reminded of something so I decided to jot it down:
1. Jesus's mother Mary who was seen as mother Goddes to the confused/converted early pagans and she had her own cult following all over Europe especially in England.
2. Joan of Arc in the old times and how she was more of a pagan originally (condemned as a witch but later oddly converted to sainthoid) she confused the voices she was hearing under the tree as the voices of God and the Saints instead of the voices of the goddess of the tree possibly. I believe as she was originally a pagan but converted as they often are and unsure what they they believe or hear for sure too often.
3. I did not know as much about midwives being persecuted for what they see as the sin of Eve but I have always known how women are blamed for nothing the temptation and bringer of all man's problems.
So as woman cured without "proper training or studies" she must be a witch and learn from Satan or what have you? What is more worse is that men beating there wives was seen as charity for there souls??? There was also the belief that those in heaven may get pleasure by watching the those condemned in hell as they are tortured for there sins??? Which seems very sick to me in fact when several of these sins are in no way justified by such actions!
@ JP Vanir
This was my first time using my phone to write all this too which was interesting and new for me and very challenging...