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2023 posts:




I wrote the song "Mother" and a few others during my mom's time before her death after getting cancer. It was the second hardest death I have gone through but I was lucky enough to be there when it happened as she took her last breath. She is no longer in pain and she wanted to not fight her cancer being at stage 4 which I would have felt the exact same way as we respected her wishes. She was one of the closest people I had in my life and even though we had our very different lifestyles and we could never understand each other on many levels we respected each other unlike my father who left me several decades ago. My mother was one of the strongest woman I knew and to see her so weak and gone those last few days broke my heart but again I believe she is where she wants to be. I am glad for her as I struggle with my thoughts on that I made it my goal to be a more giving person, not be so selfish, and although I have always loved Jesus I never liked his father but for her I have decided that maybe he got me there on time to see her pass on that maybe he I am wrong about him? I am not sure what I consider myself or why she of all people had to suffer I know that for her I will open up more to him...




JP Vanir of Vampyrian616






dark sisters come with me tonight
join the circle
far from the blinding light
feel the beat
and dance in mother moons delight
call on the earth tonight
isis, astarte, diana, hecate, demeter, kali, innanna
come to me come to me in the full moons light



2021 posts:


(May 09 2021)


Autistic depressive manic Mothers Day


This was a very bad Mother's Day for me; I realized I cannot go out to gatherings with the family much but yet I still try and today I ruined both my mom and my sisters Mother's Day. Sometimes I wonder why the Gods keep me going the few times I tried to take the cowards way out or got in a life or situation which happened too often. I swear I often wonder why I was even born when all my dad and mom's kids at first did not survive except but I guess that's why I am all messed up because she is way to bipolar and my dad is way to depressive and OCD so I am nothing but a mess who can't do normal family things...


I guess I am better off staying home because all my comfort zones are no more...


News: National Native Americans month AKA Original Americans Month

11/01/20 from:


November is Native American Heritage Month. While there are many events celebrating Native Americans, the potentially most impactful and far-reaching was an NPR report this morning stating “that dozens of House Democrats sent a letter to Biden’s transition team endorsing New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland for interior secretary.”


Haaland is a member of the Pueblo of Laguna and Jemez Tribes and won re-election along with Rep. Sharice Davids, Ho-Chunk Tribe, Reps. Tom Cole, Chickasaw Tribe, and Markwayne Mullin, Cherokee of the Western Band. Two of the six tribal members to serve in the U.S. Congress. Yvette Herrell, Cherokee, in New Mexico, and Native Hawaiian Kaiali’i “Kai” Kahele,  also won their bids bringing the total of Indigenous people serving in the U.S. Congress to six.


To have Haaland named as Secretary of the Interior could allow for Indigenous peoples to have a larger voice within the federal government than ever before. The Indigenous Environmental Network sent a letter to the Biden transition team endorsing Haaland that was undersigned by over two dozen organizations. Haaland and Sharice Davids were first elected in 2018, becoming the first Native American women to serve in the U.S. Congress.


“We are here for the people and all of the heartache and all of the horrible federal eras of federal Indian policy that happened through the centuries,” Haaland said. “We’re here to try to make a little dent in making those things right and moving us into a new era in our country where we say everyone’s voice matters.” Another notable event was the announcement by the Library of Congress last week that they had appointed Joy Harjo of Muscokee (Creek) Nation to serve a third term as U.S. Poet Laureate. Harjo is only the second laureate to see her term extended since the position was established in 1943, and will allow her to complete works whose timeline has been impacted by the pandemic.


In a statement released by Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, “Throughout the pandemic, Joy Harjo has shown how poetry can help steady us and nurture us. I am thankful she is willing to continue this work on behalf of the country. A third term will give Joy the opportunity to develop and extend her signature project.” Harjo’s work which focuses on her signature project, “Living Nations, Living Words,” which was launched as part of the Native American Heritage Month celebration in November, and “features an interactive ArcGIS story map, which maps 47 contemporary Native American poets across the country — including Harjo, Louise Erdrich, Natalie Diaz, Ray Young Bear, Craig Santos Perez, Sherwin Bitsui and Layli Long Soldier.”



Other Native American Heritage Month news:



  • The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian is offering free online access to its Native Cinema Showcase to celebrate its 20th anniversary, which runs from November 18 – 27 and offers various programming available for online viewing. The program highlights and celebrates the works of “Native filmmakers and stories from Indigenous communities throughout the Western Hemisphere and the Arctic.”


  • The contributions of local Native American artists in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is being celebrated with the mixed media fine art exhibit titled “Circle of Unity” on display in the New River Inn building of History Fort Lauderdale. The exhibit is described as being “intergenerational, and multi-disciplinary” that “presents a contemporary perspective of Seminole artists on the cycles of solidarity and patterns of resilience that have always existed within the histories of the Seminole and Miccosukee People of Florida.” In a statement released by the Fort Lauderdale Historical Society, executive director Patricia Zeiler said, “It is an honor and a privilege to host ‘Circle of Unity’ in the very spot that the original people of the land we now know as Fort Lauderdale helped build and cultivate. We are grateful to the Native American artists for sharing their tradition, culture and vision with the community and to the Seminole Tribe of Florida, Inc. for its unwavering support of History Fort Lauderdale during Native American Heritage Month.”​


  • Documentary filmmaker Tsanavi Spoonhunter of the Northern Arapaho Tribe is using her skills to shift the way Native peoples are portrayed, and also highlight some of the modern issues that Native tribal members face. “What I would want people to understand is that the issues that we face are modern issues that are real and that are happening in the backyard of America,” Spoonhunter said in an interview with Nevada Today. Her documentary film, “Crow Country: Our Right to Food Sovereignty” focuses on the Crow tribal members and their struggles to be food secure despite high levels of unemployment and the closure of the only grocery store on reservation land. Spoonhunter first became interested in the Crow through the Supreme Court case of Herrera v. Wyoming while working on her master’s degree at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. That case centered on the rights of Crow tribal members of Montana to hunt on unoccupied land in Wyoming from a prior treaty which the Supreme Court upheld. “Crow Country” won Best Documentary Short at the American Indian Film Institute’s 45th annual American Indian Film Festival this fall. “The imagery that you’re used to seeing and consuming in media and film is inaccurate,” Spoonhunter said. “A lot of people don’t realize Native people are modern people with modern issues, but we still have that connection to our historic culture.”





Trans VS Fem?




I am not sure if I can call myself a feminist anymore after watching "Transparent" on Amazon Prime esp the end of the second season - seeing how Trans people often are not excepted even in the feminist community because they where born with a penis whether they wanted it or not! They are often not allowed at a feminist festival (although a feminist as well) because they may still have that penis (whether they want it or not) because the other woman there may be traumatized by it and feel like they may be raped (like I want this thing that gives you your issues)? I think they should go to therapy for that one? I am trying to be mean but everyone just seems to be too into what someone has or doesn't have whether they chose it or not. All the other women lucky enough to be born as such got to run around free with their shirts off and such like look at me proud born woman; BUT I don't like being w/o a shirt in public as I am...


I am still not 100% sure about myself and what I am but getting that removed (so I have heard) you will no longer get an orgasm except maybe by having your prostate massaged or what have you and though that does really make it better both ways I am not into men at all. Fem guys and flamers I sometimes can get along with unfortunately most of the homosexual men I met are often too into how you look and such. I never knew there were such issues even in another community I used to respect until I saw this show; that could be so hateful of certain people because they had the wrong genitals whether they want them or not. I do not know what to do too often when stuff like this comes up after realizing sometimes something you are again often conflicts yet again with I most likely am or already know I am...



Complications of Life 06/27/2020

I really try to understand everything lately but it always seems impossible? Lately: (I feel like the above photo it seems and my motivation is gone too often)


A. I lost my job during the epidemic and then there store shut down so I am out of work and its impossible for me to get one now as I have not worked in well over a decade before my last job but my apartment cost so much I am barely making it so how is someone on disability because he is technically not able to work with others supposed to survive with out a job in this economy when what they give me is never enough for my needs? I also don’t know how the 1,200 is supposed to make up for all the lost pay because of it when many of us still don,t have jobs? Still now I know the country will always be in debt as people keep complaining about taxing when there is never enough money to pay for this countries bills...


B. I do everything I myself can for my oldest fur-baby why is technically not a baby anymore but we got a new actual baby fur-baby a couple months ago and he scares the shit out of poor Marius as well as even though they are both males (big mistake) he molested his before and we have to protect him. I do the best to love both the cats but Marius has become so mean because of him but I want him to feel safe. The other kitten is a sweetheart and is so easy to love often more so then my original baby because of all the times he feels like he is being replaced. Both of them seem to love Amanda Hernandez more then me it seems and the only fur-babies that where daddies boys Harley (who had to go to another place as you are only allowed 2 cats at apartments anymore if at all as they dont see them as children) and my first fur-baby Set who passed. I miss them everyday and will never forgive my self for Harley when Lily’s original mother took her back anyways when she had a place to live. I need a real therapy animal as mine is now driving me crazy because of everything...


C. I continue to keep having issues with the “Vampire community” how many of them perceive the Vampyran TempleUVUP as a cult like Temple of the Vampire as we are both Temples and they do not want to see Vampyrism as a spiritual condition as well as a physical one. The originally where trying to get me in trouble as a plagiarist who steals copyrighted information as his own; I am a theologian as well as a vampirologist and share information I learn online/books/ect. with the members on the V-TUVUP site to educate the Vampire community on its abilities, capabilities, beginnings as well as focus on the spirituality of Vampyrism. I never claimed to write everything written and always put credit where credit is due (to the original author and original site).

Now I have been having issues because I have Asperger’s (just recently found out as I was diagnosed with Autism and never received help with this early) I struggled in school quite a bit as falsely diagnosed with just ADHD and was never able to go to college because of this as well as because we were poor. I get shit on all the time because of my grammar and how I communicate online BUT I struggle with this shit constantly and it torments me to no end. I did write a couple books though the first one was just the basic principles for the second book but in the past they went on and on about the grimmer and mistakes I made writing it (though on the second book I did have some help from our previous Spiritual Mother Samantha Adams and now for some time I have been struggling with writers block. I honestly am not sure I will ever be able to write another book again as it is so very difficult for someone with my conditions to explain everything the proper way and people have issues understanding me. Other Vampyres in the VC just like any other community I am sure also struggle with this so I decided to make groups for us:








One Vamp Druids Burden APRIL 11, 2020



Natures beauty often wants to taunt me...


The sun he makes me tired and drains me...


The moon however she energizes me...


The flowers, plants, and animals make it hard to breathe sometimes...


It can often be too difficult to enjoy the things I love and care about...


But yet I suffer anyways for them despite it all...


and most will never understand or even care...



© Rev. JP DDG (Dark Druid Goth)



Intersex, trans or what? APRIL 10, 2020



I always wondered what all of the many terms that make of LGBTQ and don’t forget I as I just found out Intersex the new word for what used to be hermaphrodite. There are about 1 in 2000 live births per year that are partially some what or very intersex? Most however do not even know or not seen as such. So one must wonder is that what a transgender person is? Some perhaps but I am sure not all so then ho does one really know what they are anymore? I love learning such things that makes me feel not so odd...



2020 time to get back on track and stop worrying 02/01/2020



I must warn you I have a hard time explaining myself as I am Autistic so please I hope my words don't confuse you as most regular peoples words often confuse me. Anyways I was reading a pagan blog online and I realized I need to stop getting distracted from my spiritual practice. I was struggling for a long time staying motivated to keep up on the TempleUVUP as it has lost its flare and feel like one of the only members keeping the site going but it has been rough as I have had trouble writing for the longest time. It is hard enough for someone like me with my disabilities, lack in money, and being constantly busy to stay motivated when I have constantly struggled with my moods/depression. I want to keep up on praying, keeping up with my rituals, and communicating with the Gods but its hard when you start doubting everything because things get so bad you want to give up...


I have been a member of CUUPS for a long time but was lucky enough to find a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Delaware, Ohio that made me actually want to join a “church” again though they use the term fellowship for the same reason I would lol. They unlike my family or other churches except me for the way I am or have felt comfortable revealing to them anyways. I thought I would never go to church again but I realized church is good for people sometimes because it makes us feel connected where someone like me feels disconnected from the world and that I will never fit in. However they except me and I hope one day I can not be worried about not worried about what anyone thinks.​ I normally do not feel like I fit in anywhere: in my city, with my family, as well as in my communities (vampire, pagan, and goth) ​but I feel comfortable there​ and actually look forward to going even though it is really early in the morning lol. I am like no one in my city and most misjudge as they don't understand me; my family also does not understand me and will often not meet me half way with my life choices (as DUUF does). Vampires often do not want me to believe what we are is a spiritual condition so my house is despised for my personal belief, Goths often despise me because I drink blood and make them look bad, pagans often despise me because I need energy from others to not constantly be sick and fatigue. So I feel all alone in every community even my local fellowship I am too afraid to let them find out as I am sure they could never understand...


I try to read and meditate but with focus and reading issues it has been harder than it used to be but I am not sure why it was sometimes easier in the past but no longer is the case depending on the book? One thing I know is to many books make it too easy to go off track and use words that I am not sure about seeing as I never went to college and that really makes it hard to want to go on and deal with my stupidity. I used to have the patience and not these things bother me but I can't help the way I feel that it is too difficult for someone like me as it too me too long and was too hard to get the help I needed and yet I am still struggling. I have been working a new job that tires me out and it has been hard to keep on things out of my daily routine I must do in order to relax but relation never seems to come for someone like me so I have not been able to find the time to do what I must do to and do not have time for my spiritual practices, research, and reading. I most certainly need to get back to praying to my spiritual mother for help getting back to my rituals, my reading, writing, and more on my the site and research ect. Now that I found some people to talk to, made a breakthrough in counseling, got some help with my disabilities, and am better with my communication as well as my moods to a point (at least while keeping busy at work) I am hopping things will continue to move forward. This seems even more likely now that I have finally got rid of the writers block I have had for too many years...


© Rev. JP Vanir the Dark Druid Goth


My Original post where I first wrote this:



2019 posts:


My holidays with the wife's family 12/29/2019



I went to Bowling Greens to see my step Son Maven after so many long years of missing him​ for Xmas. The first bus ride I did OK with but the crowd was a bit much at the station luckily I got to sit by my wife on the bus so it wasn't too bad. Her poor mom got lost in the fog and we felt really bad about that and I was worried cause Jay was there for the holidays but he was quiet in the car BUT as soon as we got to her moms house he was hyper as hell being as this was all new to him (being severely autistic). I was worried how he would react to me but after a while he seemed do like me pretty well which is odd for him and he even cooed at me Amanda told me which was cute. I was amazed as well the they actually had diet code red at the circle K in Bowling Greens which I have not seen in so many years but I was good and didn't drink pop...



Shakers are still alive and there beliefs surprised even me 11/10/2019 



On November 10th 2019 I went to the fellowship I am now a member of DUUF and my good friend and Mentor Coe Huckabee, who had the privilege to visit the so called “last” Shaker village, taught us all about there beliefs and practices. Unfortunately however at this service I could not sit with my own wife Amanda Hernandez as for this service as was done in Shaker style except my favorite part DANCING! I wanted to share the seven interesting things I learned below:


1.***They believe God is all encompassing or female as well as male not just Father God only...


2. ***They believe woman and men where equal as all races where also equal which was they first in those times...


3. They where all about herbs and selling them as old fashion (witch like) brooms. A friend of mine and one taught me of them at DUUF got one at the last known shaker village in Main that is rainbow colored lol...


4. They where complete pacifists...


5. ***The shaker name came from the way they worshiped God ecstatically by dancing!


6. They believe Mother Ann Lee the founder of the there community (originally called “United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing”) was the second coming of Jesus Christ...


7. Woman and Men where completely separate in all ways and they cannot even have children so they must adopt to keep there religion/communities alive the few that are left which comes to our last point:


Despite the rumors and wikipedia the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village is NOT the last and only shaker village in the US. There is even said to be one in Delaware county in Ohio surprisingly as there is truly never the last of anything anymore...


I hope you enjoyed learning that as much as I did...


Rev JP Vanir the Dark Druid Goth



Plastic Pollution 07/21/2019



Plastic is the worst type of pollutant and chemical shit which should be eliminated at all costs – The fake plastic beautiful people is the worst type of brainwashing on the world...


Plastic = Beautiful and Fake...


© JP Vanir the  Dark Druid Goth




Plastic never goes away.


Plastic is a durable material made to last forever, yet 33 percent of it is used once and then discarded. Plastic cannot biodegrade; it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces.


Plastic spoils our groundwater.


There are tens of thousands of landfills across the globe. Buried beneath each one of them, plastic leachate full of toxic chemicals is seeping into groundwater and flowing downstream into lakes and rivers.

Plastic attracts other pollutants.


Manufacturers' additives in plastics, like flame retardants, BPAs and PVCs, can leach their own toxins. These oily poisons repel water and stick to petroleum-based objects like plastic debris.

Plastic threatens wildlife.


Entanglement, ingestion and habitat disruption all result from plastic ending up in the spaces where animals live. In our oceans alone, plastic debris outweighs zooplankton by a ratio of 36-to-1.

Plastic piles up in the environment.


Americans alone discard more than 30 million tons of plastic a year; only 8 percent of it gets recycled. The rest ends up in landfills or becomes 'litter', and a small portion is incinerated.


Plastic poisons our food chain.


Even plankton, the tiniest creatures in our oceans, are eating microplastics and absorbing their toxins. The substance displaces nutritive algae that creatures up the food chain require.


Plastic affects human health.


Chemicals leached by plastics are in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments.


Plastic costs billions to abate.


Everything suffers: tourism, recreation, business, the health of humans,

animals, fish and birds—because of plastic pollution. The financial damage continuously being inflicted is inestimable.



Balancing my chakras 06/15/19



I am working on balancing my chakras especially my ajna (or brow) chakra​.​​ ​Apparently ​I need to take in more supplements and foods that help in keeping the pineal gland healthy​ and my regular distribution of melatonin is disrupted​ as​ it results in depression, mood swings, and seasonal disorders. The pineal gland is also responsible for metabolizing other neurochemicals, such as DMT and pinoline, which coordinate emotional and physical processes on a cellular level.​ ​​I suppose I need some extra serotonin or DMT as well (like I can get that legally)...



Layla/Lilith and baby's 02/07/2019



As you know Layla or Lilith has been constantly considered evil BUT everything has evil intentions and nothing is completely evil. They mostly blame her for killing baby's but really she doesn't kill them she is the one who gives them the Vampyre spirit so they become one of us (a Vampyre). That is how all human Vampyres are created by her by being born as Vampyre Kin - a human with a Vampyre Spirit or soul...





Wiccans and Gods 10/07/2018 



For a while I have been against Wiccan beliefs but it is only certain things now as some of there beliefs are pretty close to Christianity. I have been reading some of there books as I am a theologian and one thing that is very close to what I believe is the pursuit of Spiritual Evolution and divinity to become gods...






The Christian God and Allah 10/28/2017 



I read an Interesting post on Allah being a moon god but I believe the that Allah and the christian god are one in the same and the God who created people but he didn't create everything just people. I believe in many Gods and Goddesses that are written about and they created everything else...





Contact me: 






OLD PRE 2015



A positive change... December 31, 2014




Today is a new day and its time for a change...


My past full of depression, Anxiety with in...


Nothing but aggression, Time for me to win...


No more living for myself and No more giving in...


Its time for a positive change...


Time to rearrange...


It is time to give up old habits...


Its time for this old dog to change its tune...


No more oppressive doom...



© Rev. JP Vanir (the DDG)




Thursday, October 23, 2014




What is the Goth Industrial Scene & Music?



This debate has been around way too long however most of us believe we know the answer. In the beginning there was Rock, metal, to alternative but in or beginning there was punk. Punk came around in the late 60's to 70's and is still around but all music evolves and changes but todays punks is nothing like the beginning but opened the doors to post punks and power pop. Back in the 80's punk opened the doors to a more artsy version of itself known as Goth Rock and Death Rock then came electronic Goth to what we call Industrial but its beginning is way more complicated. Way back during the industrial Revolution The Art of Noises (Italian: L'arte dei Rumori) was a Futurist manifesto, written by Luigi Russolo in a 1913 letter to friend and Futurist composer Francesco Balilla Pratella talked about the evolution of sound. He notes that the earliest "music" was very simplistic and was created with very simple instruments, and that many early civilizations considered the secrets of music sacred and reserved it for rites and rituals. Russolo compares the evolution of music to the multiplication of machinery, pointing out that our once desolate sound environment has become increasingly filled with the noise of machines, encouraging musicians to create a more "complicated polyphony" in order to provoke emotion and stir our sensibilities. He notes that music has been developing towards a more complicated polyphony by seeking greater variety in timbres and tone colors. Russolo explains how "musical sound is too limited in its variety of timbres." He breaks the timbres of an orchestra down into four basic categories: bowed instruments, metal winds, wood winds, and percussion. He says that we must "break out of this limited circle of sound and conquer the infinite variety of noise-sounds," and that technology would allow us to manipulate noises in ways that could not have been done with earlier instruments.


During the industrial revolution music was created with Industrial equipment and todays Industrial is nothing like the original industrial back in the 70s's or so with such bands as white house and throbbing gristle ect. Industrial music is a style of experimental music that draws on transgressive and provocative themes. Skinny puppy, Velvet Acid Christ, Ministry, Nine Inch nails (esp. Skinny Puppy and V.A.C.), and Kraftwerk as well as the velvet underground did a great job in adding to and updating Industrial music. Todays industrial however is a bit different and more pyrotechnics and club based (as is most of todays music including goth). Music always evolves and changes; it is unreal how many genres of music there are now. Goth and industrial both have several genres each as do all types of music. The scenes and communities themselves also change and evolve as everything does and there are several different types of Goths as well as punks and alternative people. This is also the same with religion just like politics. I have only known of the goth community since mid 1990's but have always been a goth as I believe it is more than just about the music. Most people believe goth music came before industrial but it actually came before goth music. Gothic music is generally dark, obscure, and melancholy; it is sometimes angst and in your face or can be personal but it is always anti-mainstream and unique Generally it is rock or metal but lately it has evolved to be more electronic and club based. Industrial is mostly upbeat, mechanical, and electronic but can also be metal or hard rock. Goth and industrial is often interwoven as in the community. Some members however stick to one of the genres but I prefer both; most Goths like several different types of music as the community is not just about music however I only like Goth and industrial with some exceptions such as 80s music but generally like all my music dark.


Rev. JP Vanir (the DDG)






July 19, 2014




I am your Everything and Anything



Once I take you in...

You will be my everything...

from within...

I will take your soul...

Take control...

Drink you in...

Take you life...

you will be my wife...

I will be your everything...

Your anything...

You will be mine...

Everything and Anything...




Lonely world (Disconnected) January 14, 2013



Its a lonely world when you disconnected from everything...

All you see around you is memories of nothingness...

Its a dying world and I keep returning to it...


You never want to remember there is nothing in this place for you...

Its a lonely world When your disconnected from everyone & everything...

When it all dies, everything lies, and it all eventually goes away...


Its a lonely world when you disconnected from everything...


Even in a crowd of people, even in the streets of the the city, even in a busy club I fell disconnected from everyone like I never belong In the world...


Cause its a lonely world when you don't belong here its a lonely everywhere when your this disconnected from everything and everyone...


Everyday and every night I wonder why I am here...

All this time I wonder why I keep returning...

When Its a lonely world when you disconnected from everything...


© JP Vanir (DDG)



Uploaded on Scribd:




Myths to reality: Out of the Shadows into the Light? January 7, 2014



Thanks mostly to the almost lost (no comment) movie Nosferatu Vampires have been seen as creatures which cannot survive in daylight and will be destroyed by the rays of sunlight. In many movies it is seen as light is good (pure) and dark is bad (evil) so light destroys darkness and those who dwell in it. It could also be said that it is thought sunlight kills vampires is because they are said to be the undead kept alive by fresh blood and sunlight increases the rate of decay on human flesh. But that is a much more detailed discussion perhaps. Ever since Nosferatu movies and shows have insisted Sunlight must kill vampire but not reanimated corpses (people call them Zombies whether they are or not really)? The original Dracula in the book was not killed by sunlight but that changed when they made Nosferatu (Which comes from the Greek word nosophoros - which means "plague-carrier" Not Vampire)


1. Supernatural Vampyre (Spirits, Gods, ect.)


Now lets compare that to the original Mythology in which they are active at night but they were not generally considered vulnerable to sunlight. It has also been said and I agree that Vampyres are nocturnal creatures and it is easier for them to hunt humans for blood at night when most are tired, it is harder for them to be seen, and they often feed on humans as they sleep to not be noticed as easily. They are said to be stronger or more powerful at night. I believe Vampyres are not natural creatures but supernatural but very much living creatures. As sunlight makes most humans, other animals, and plants wake up and have more energy during the day (energizes the natural world ect) it depletes the Vampyre Spirits energy slightly as they are not from the natural world but another plane of existence (the shadow realms) originally which is in the shadows/darkness and bothers there eyes...


2. The Vampyres in Human form


Most spirits (not Ghosts) from other realms can only exist in the natural world usually for a certain period of time (depending on there strength from feeding) unless they take over a body (possession) which is how a Vampyre human comes to be; a Vampyre Spirit enters a human unborn child before they are alive (through either reincarnation, misplacement, an astral sexual encounter ect) instead of a human soul (other kin). These humans grow up normal however they may awaken to recognize they are a Vampyre (awakening) but most often can not believe in such a thing and just think the have human issues. Most of the "Vampire community" also believes there Vampyrism is a human condition but this is my theory as well as many other Vampyres in the world. As we have a Vampyre Spirit piloting the Human vessel instead of a human soul we are controlled by the Vampyres need for more fuel as it is a stronger entity in a human body so they need to to eat food as well as fuel the Vampyre.


Being a Human Vampyrism it is more difficult to feed but often if they cannot be get food from a willing donor they well feed while they are asleep (astral) or the Vampyre will take left over energy when humans have more than they need or by letting it go though a glance, giving them attention, or a touch (The Vampyres natural allure could help here). However vampyres can often barely stay healthy that way depending on there environment so they may feed on themselves out of habit and may get sick. The human Vampyre often may drawn to the night and have issues with sunlight but very rarely will it be a major issue depending on how often they feed. It is not so easy getting a willing donation of Blood or a small bit of life force though most other energy sources may work almost as well.


3. Human Vampyre in the community


Vampyres are not permitted to feed on an unwilling donor not to mention jail is never a good choice if they know better and have integrity but most in the Vampyre Community do; if they drain an unwilling victim (which is very rare) they are black listed from the V.C. - So unlike in the supernatural Vampyres the Human Vampyre is nothing to be worried about and normally a rather very pleasant person (depending on moods and situations of course lol). Not all Vampyres are big on community but a lot have come out of the coffin (kidding) thanks to the internet but many of us are worried this may cause harm to our kin or ourselves so even more like to keep quiet about what we are for it is very likely they will be unfairly judged for something we can't help being born this way...


© Rev. JP Vanir (the DDG)




July 24, 2012



The dilemma of being a Vegetarian and the sin of waste and Vampyrian Ethics July 24, 2012



I consider myself a vegetarian as I choose not to eat meat of buys slaughters meat, fur, or leather for personal beliefs. However I am also a severe diabetic and my blood sugars are not under the best control so my Dr. wants to make sure I eat right so he subscribed me meals on wheels. The problem with this is they do not offer vegetarian meals and I am given meat on a daily basis; I could offer those meals to someone who is not as strict a vegetarian as me but I am supposed to eat the meal to keep my blood sugar levels under control and I do not have many people I talk to around here. Also waste is a major sin (the first sin) in my person belief system esp something that died in vain and wasting its death is disrespectful.


Also I love respect my mom as she is last relative I have left I have a close relationship with and she often cooks me healthy meals and even lets me take most of the leftovers home since we do not make lot of money. I feel it would be disrespectful to her to refuse to eat her home cooking and I have too big of a heart to hurt her as she is very sensitive. I suppose under certain circumstances such as these since I did not pay for the dead meat and support the death of the animal and wasting its death is worse of a sin in my belief I can make exceptions to my diet? Perhaps the same could be said when one goes to community meals and food pantries?


Vampyrian Ethics and list of major Sin’s


1. You should not WASTE or disregard (food - resources): A Vampyr should not waste what he is given or treat what he is given in a disrespectful manner. He or she should honor what they are given and give appreciation for it...


2. You should not murder with out a legitimate reason (like food): Killing is waste and a crime if not for food or punishment of murder...


3. You should not STEAL from KIN or family (stealing from others should be for necessities): Again stealing is against the law and is a violation of the place in which we reside...


4. You should not HARM KIN, Life Force Givers (Donors), or the innocent with out a legitimate reason: We must be respectful of those around us unless they first harm us...


5. You should not PUSH you beliefs or anything on others: We are all free to believe as we wish...


6. You should not HARM or Destroy nature with out a legitimate reason or the natural balance of life: We must respect the World we live in and respect the natural resources we are given...


***I am not recommending that we break the human laws as that would bring our community down and that is for the area in which you live legal system to do. We must respect this world in which we reside...


© Rev. J P Vanir (the DDG)




New York and Jersey Sucked but BlutEngel Rocked my worldJuly 22, 2012

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I was anticipating the concert forever it seemed but I am I am actually surprisingly relieved to be back in the boring BUT panic free state of Ohio. Although the trip though state of Pennsylvania was long as hell, the trip through part of the shit of a state that is New Jersey sucked even worse, being in New York cause me many (many) Panic attacks, and there were a very (very) few let downs in the concerts -  IT WAS SO MAJORLY WORTH THE IT! I have not been to hardly very many good concerts if many concerts but this one had to be the best I have ever been to! I went with my wife Amanda (Lady Aromaura), my good friend Julie Eberhart, and Tim Hinkle. Pennsylvania was a very long but lovely state full of many, many nice trees and scenery! I have never been through the east coast at all but I will probably go back through the shit hole that is New Jersey or go to NYC ever again if I can help it. I couldn’t even take a RR stop in Jersey because the gas station was locked up and this was around 3pm? Then we finally got to NY and getting through the Holland Tunnel was less than fun but memorable. I know next time I won’t book my hotel with Orbits but directly with the hotel because hotel Pennsylvania charged me an extra 267 something for god knows what; Orbits also did not let them know I cancelled my extra day a month in advance! I swear they better get this issue fixed and fast! NYC was way too crowded and chaotic for my Anxiety issues; I am actually surprised I survived the trip myself. I was so glad to get out of that city and BlutEngel is most likely the only band I will ever do that for. When we arrived at the concert Rebel had a very strange way of disorganizing the ticket line combining the regular admission and the VIP ticket holders and even though I was VIP at first I ended up at the end of the line? The VIPs where supposed to get in the concert at 8pm but they didn’t split up the line until almost 9pm. I purchased 2 VIP tickets and 1 regular admission Tim bought off me but they only had me on the list as having 1 VIP and 1 regular admission (which I bought first and then the other VIP later) for some reason? The admission Lady was very understandable about the mistake and figured it out in decent pretty quickly. I just felt bad about holding up the line. But we got in and the staff was very nice and helpful with everything. Chris Pohl was not feeling well before the show unfortunately so we had to wait until after the show to get our signed posters and meet the band but it was good he could rest up before the show so he could put on a good one. The lady at the bar did not know how to make the blood bath drink and I didn’t bring the recipe but that was ok because I told her how to put together a Red Death and damn she made it strong which is good since they were 10 dollars each for both of our RD’s. I finished my drink quickly as usual (I can never seem to milk a red death, lol) and Amanda needed me to finish hers so I was a bit tipsy while dancing before the concert but I was told by Lady Azraelina as well as my Amanda I danced very well and had great rhythm still. The DJs the I heard all did great sets and I was thrilled to hear Christian Death, The Cure and other old school Goth I never hear anymore in Columbus! I just wish I had more room to do my full dance.  


The concert took forever to start and my legs hurt before it even started but it was a wonderful show even though there was no blood shower and only 2 of the girls came to the US show. Miss Construction did a great set and his outfit was amazing (Jealous) but they used way too much strobe lights at the show and Amanda was having issues, had to go to the back, and missed the BlutEngel show but she was OK after she left the area. I kept texting her to make sure she was OK. BlutEngel came on and I was amazed; I never thought I ever actually get to see them live! I was surprised I didn’t fall over in my extremely difficult boots but at least I was no longer tipsy from the drinks. They did an amazing show and even managed to do 3 extra songs despite Chris not feeling so well but some how I think the crowd at the show was the reason he did so well not to mention I sent him some of the energy I received to make sure he would be OK. Of all the songs they did EngelsBlut was the most energizing song they did and it really got the place jumping. After the show the bathroom lines where packed so I was like I will just wait till I get home (it didn’t bother me after a while, LOL) and for some reason it took a while to find the room where the VIP meet and greet was to happen but I managed. Luckily there was a huge rest room up there that there was no line for so I finally got to go. I finally got to meet my idol Chris Pohl, spoke with him briefly, and even got a picture with him! The other 2 band members where there as well and I even got a picture with Ulrike Goldmann! I decided to leave right after meeting them and saying bye to Lady Azraelina because I wanted to get away from the crowds and see Amanda because I was worried about her. I got back to our room but it was almost impossible to fall asleep after such an exciting event and there was too much energy in the NYC air! I eventually dosed off but was told by Amanda I was talking in my sleep so I must have not completely tired out LOL. I was very tired packing for home and the City wasn’t as awake as yesterday but the weather wasn’t so good as well. At least the traffic leaving wasn’t nearly as bad leaving NY as it was getting there. It was a long trip home but we made great time (getting home never takes as long as getting to an event you can’t wait for of course). I was so glad to be home from the NYC chaos but sad that the event was done still and could not get to bed right away. I had to pamper the cat a bit since we were gone so long and he was crying so I gave him a can and gave him much love. It took me forever to finally get to sleep but took some valerian for my pain (leg, arm, foot) and to help me sleep so I got there all the same.     


© Rev. J P Vanir  (Dark Druid Goth) 












GODS and such FEEDING ON HUMANS Posted on on Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Fiction often has some facts in there some where. I remember when Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a popular series. It was of course mostly fake like all fiction; however there where a few things that have truth in it. One of my favorites was the season 5 as Glory: who is a Goddess in a human body and because of this she must feed on humans brains psychically. After she does this they go crazy. I believe this to be true and luckily there most known Vampyres would never attempt this because we are not as powerful as she was or as selfish and egotistical. That however is why I do not worship any Gods or Goddesses; when you do this the energy contained in your worship and adoration feeds them. I have written about this earlier and am sure I am not the first to come to this conclusion but it amazes me that that was brought up in the show...


© Vampyrian Rev. J P Vanir







Father or Mother: The real definition Posted on Friday, March 16, 2012



I have had it with the Vampire community’s use of the word Father or Mother to mean Fangsmith or dentist! I am sorry but a father - mother is a term given as respect to a person who is ordained as a Spiritual leader and/or one who has a Fatherly or Motherly mentality about them. Anyone can teach themselves to make fangs and I as well as my wife have done our own fangs when I wore them in the past (I still have the equipment). I do not consider myself a father because of that and neither does she use Mother because of that. We are both Spiritual leaders in the TempleUVUP and I have been ordained since July 4th of 2002; she also is ordained. I am a Theologian and have studied Spirituality for over a decade and performed several legal weddings in Ohio. I am sorry but I cannot refer to a fang smith (especially one who doesn’t even have a degree for dentistry) as a Father or Mother when that term has nothing to do with Teeth or making fake fangs.



© Vampyrian Rev. J P Vanir



TRANCE DANCE, Possession, and Why we must take energy: Posted on Friday, March 9, 2012



Music is a most powerful energy magnet and when it is being played it can evoke your spiritual essence given to all of us by the Gods and Spirits of the Spiritual Realm. If you are Human or do not know how to use this (control it) if can be used against you or can be used for you; depending on how you chose it to be used. The Gods can use this to put you in TRANCE and possess you or you can go into TRANCE entering the Spiritual Realm and you can see things to help you as well as guide you in you spiritual awakening. For many humans (as well as unaware Vampyres/Other Kin) the Gods and other Vampric Spirits use this to put there followers as others into TRANCE causing them to dance and use up large amounts of energy so they can feed from them. Humans can make very good energy sources as well as are very easily susceptible to control and manipulation by higher Spiritual entities if they allow it. Vampyres however can use music invoke energy and take it from those around them and reach a Spiritual TRANCE state to further awaken them in there Spiritual Awakening as well as evoke there Spirit guides...


Why we must take energy from others:


We are at a higher energy frequency than most we must take energy from others since we are Spiritual entities (Other Kin) in a human body (like possession but the Sprit goes into a human baby instead of a Human soul) and we are not from this realm. We have a hard time not taking from our human host which may cause us to become sick as well as possible break down our vital organs (heart, pancreas, lungs, liver, and such) if we do not take from others. I as well as others I have know have had there organs fail or die with out explanation so they assumed it was some unknown virus or something. Since we are both Vampyre as well as human we need food for the human body as well as Living Energy for the Vampyre...


© Rev. J P Vanir (the DDG)





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